CARIFLEX is leading the future of the petrochemical industry with technological prowess
We in Cariflex Pte Ltd, believe that the conduct of all business activities for the manufacturing of Isoprene Rubber Latex (“IR Latex”) are aligned with our corporate strategy on health, occupational safety, process safety, environmental protection, sustainability, quality and energy efficiency, information security as well as data protection. All our employees stand up to for compliance with all corporate and local standards and work for the continuous development and implementation of the commitments as shown below.
We understand the needs of our customers. We provide products and services which conform to the safety and quality requirements of both internal and external stakeholders. We treat all our stakeholders fairly, but we also expect high performance and safe, environmentally sound and sustainable practices and processes.
Safety is core value of our Cariflex™ Business activity. All employees are responsible for always ensuring a high level of operational safety in the company. Act in a preventive manner and commit to continuous improvement in its processes and performances. Risks shall be continually evaluated, and eliminated where possible and practicable and when elimination is not possible, that risk effectively mitigated. Safety, Health & Environmental training, and education shall be reviewed regularly and all Cariflex™ staff and contractors shall be adequately trained with the necessary skills and knowledge to work safely in the company.
We shall comply with all the applicable local laws, regulations, other requirements, and international best practices related in all aspects of our operations through constant monitoring and periodic review of the status of compliance. We will also strive to fulfil our voluntary commitments and take these into account in the corporate orientation of the company.
We shall achieve environmental protection and responsibility through the development and implementation of new and innovative technologies and products by considering all environmental aspects, impacts and its control measures to minimize any negative impacts to the environment.
We shall promote reduce, reuse, and recycle culture in our daily operations. We will ensure the implementation of processes that prevents pollution to the air, water, and land.
We will operate in manner to ensure sustainable improvements through monitoring of energy efficiency, process and technologies effectiveness for resources as well as ongoing optimization of facilities, products and services.